
Owe nothing to anyone except to love and seek the best for one another; for he who [unselfishly] loves his neighbor has fulfilled the [essence of the] law [relating to one's fellowman]. Romans 13:8 AMP

Imagine the kind of world we would be living in, if all we owed one another was love. The genuine love that looks out for the welfare of others. Unselfish love that seeks the best for others irrespective of the social or economic standing. Let's call it equitable love; the love that doesn't discriminate that is readily accessible to everyone. I can't imagine how some of the conversations would be like. Would it be something along these lines: I owe you a bit of love, how can I help you today? Or, I'm paying back my love debt with this item I know you need. Or, I know you're lonely so I'm going to spend quality time with you. It sounds strange because we've never lived like this before or ever contemplated such a possibility. We grew up hearing stories about how such and such a person, wronged so and so and the plans to pay back. We've grown up with stories of borrowing, poverty, anger, strife and pain and we're perpetuating the cycle. If only we could change the narrative; even in our own small corners. Genuinely, doing love actions without a hidden agenda. Genuinely supporting each other without an ulterior motive. Loving freely without controlling one another. The weight we would be carrying in our hearts would be much lighter. The world would be a safer and better place to live in. May we allow love to lead so we live out the tenet's of our beliefs.

Let’s pray: Father, give me a heart that loves like you do. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen