Who has performed and done this, calling forth [and guiding the destinies of] the generations [of the nations] from the beginning? "I, the Lord - the first, and with the last [existing before history began, the ever present, unchanging God] - I am He". Isaiah 41:4 AMP

Is there another God besides our God? Who can announce clearly, the great things he has done? When God spoke the above scripture, he didn't say it in hiding or in an unintelligible language. Don't you think if there was another God, who could also boast about what they had also accomplished, they would have said it? Our God, the Almighty Jehovah, the Sovereign God, the I AM that I AM, he is God alone. He has no equal and no challenger. When we look closely at the scripture, we learn some other truths about this God. From the beginning of time, he has carefully calculated and prepared the destinies of the nations. This means that our nations' performance is in God's hands and not that of the politicians. We can seek the face of God like Daniel did, for the restoration of our nations. It's not about politics, it's about the well-being of the countries we call home. God gives us other attributes of his character: the ever present, unchanging God. He doesn't go on leave, he doesn't vacate his post; he is always present and available. And the best of all is, he doesn't change. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. If you don't love this God whom do you want? He's God alone and our all in all.

Let's pray: who can fathom the depth of your power and your greatness? You are God alone. Thank you for loving me and making me your own. Keep me in the hollow of your hands Lord. Amen