
For whatever was written in earlier times was written for our instruction, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope and overflow with confidence in His promises. Romans 15:4 AMP

Have you ever wondered why certain stories are captured in the Bible? Stories such as Israel's defeat by say, a small group of people; records of sins and poor decisions by prominent men and women; and even records of disobedience that led to their going into exile. Imagine you had the opportunity to write about yourself or your compatriots, wouldn't you attempt to make it all good reading? But these records are there for a purpose. On the one hand, they're there to prove that every word of God is tried and tested. They're there as proof and testament of God's power, his love and mercy. Each story recorded in the Bible is there for our benefit. They have been put together as an instructional manual, like a handbook, to help us navigate through similar challenges. Those going through those trials at that time, didn't have the Bible as a reference point, they didn't know how it would end, all they had was their faith in God and in his words. But we can go through the pages, read about someone who went through a similar period, learn how they prayed, what they said to God and man, what they did while waiting and how they overcame. In fact, if we're being honest, most of our prayers we pray today are from the father's who prayed them before us. These records are truths for our application. We're encouraged to read, learn and apply them to our own lives. May God help us to stay strong and in line with his words.

Let's pray: Thank you Father for the truth and confidence in your words. Give us the strength to follow them. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen