
A plan (motive, wise counsel) in the heart of man is like water in a deep well, but a man of understanding draws it out. Proverbs 20:5 AMP

When fetching water from a well, we can throw our bucket down in such a way that it either draws from the surface, or, it goes to the bottom and comes up with a fuller bucket. Some may say water is water, and as long as you get some, it doesn't matter from which depth you get it. Why drink from the surface when you can go deeper? Jesus Christ, in the gospels, asks his disciples to launch into the deep for a greater catch. Why stay at the edge when you can go deeper? We all have the same year, with the same amount of time and days. What we do with the opportunities in each day will depend on how much water we want to draw out of the day. We can skim the surface, or, we can go deeper. We can put down New Year resolutions, or we can take action to make them happen. We can have blue prints or we can build from those blue prints. Our God, Jehovah, is available to all. He doesn't have favourites. Yet the level at which we want to draw from him will reflect in the blessings we receive. We can dive into a deeper relationship or we can stay at the surface, at the edge. The dimension of our experience will depend on how deep we want to dive into our relationship this year. Where do you want to draw from this year? Just the surface or deeper? May we have a yearning and unquenchable thirst to draw deeper; to go further than surface living. May we launch into the deep this year with God to taste his exceptional goodness for our lives.

Let’s pray: Father, I'm launching into the deep, give me a catch that will break my nets this year. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen