For you have been born again [that is, reborn from above - spiritually transformed, renewed, and set apart for His purpose]. 1 Peter 1:23a AMP

Did you know, that as soon as you receive Christ as your Lord and personal Savior, your title and duties change in heaven? Our names have a prefix of Saint. Not a dead saint but a living one. In all of Paul's letters to the various churches, he mentions "to the church and to all the saints".Think about it, in those days we hadn't begun venerating the dead and giving them 'saint' titles, so who was he referring to? Not the Apostles but the Believers. Believers born of the word, water and the Holy Spirit; chosen by God before the world began, and set apart  for his special purpose. What this means is that while we're alive, we have a role to play by displaying God's splendour, his grace, his glory and power. We have been set apart for God's special use. We too can be used by God to heal and raise the dead, we can be doing the greater works Christ promised we would be doing. But are we ready? Are we willing to be used by God? Are we willing to do God's will? Are we willing to become vessels of honour in God's household? God has a purpose for every life; it's built into our spiritual DNA through Christ Jesus. May we not lose this opportunity to change and touch lives for the Kingdom.

Let's pray: Father, speak to me plainly, show me what you want me to do. I'm available Lord, use me. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen