Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that continues to bear fruit, He [repeatedly] prunes, so that it will bear more fruit [even richer and finer fruit]. John 15:2 AMP

If God were to ask you "can I clean you up"? how would you answer? Would you say yes, no, or God please don't make it painful? Be honest. How would you answer? We've been led to believe that any pruning God does is going to be a painful process, a lesson in hardship. It could well be but as branches on a tree are unique, so are we. Any cleaning God does will be different. We cannot use what someone went through to judge that every pruning is going to be painful. We only believe that the end will make us stronger in faith and closer to God. Any pruning is to allow the plant to bring forth better fruit or more flowers. As Christian's, any pruning is to help us shed the unnecessary, unspiritual weight we have gained. It is a time of revelation of unknown elements in our life that hinders our spiritual growth. Dead leaves and branches must be removed to make way for the new. We need to make room for a higher calling with powerful gifts, we need to make room to receive. And, we cannot grow wildly on our own without God's direction. I would prefer cleaning up to being cut off. At least it shows we're on the right track, bearing some fruit but we have potential for more. Will you allow God to clean you up?

Let's pray: Father, here I am. Clean me up inside and outside. May I bear rich and abundant fruit for you. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen