So then, whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of [our great] God. 1 Corinthians 10:31 AMP

Will it please God? Will it bring glory to God's name? Wouldn't it be great if our lives were ruled by these questions? On a daily basis, we would self assess, to know if we were living in the will of God. If we would genuinely ask God, and wait for his answer, we would know how to live our lives in direct accordance with his will. Will it please God? Does it glorify his name? Will people look at us and wonder if we are truly who we say we are; children of God? The way I'm living my life does it please you God? Will it please God the things I do at work and when no one is watching? Will it please God the thoughts that run through my head and The Words I speak? Will it please God how I manage my household? I believe if we were to check in like this, a number of bad things would be averted. Imagine someone asking God before taking a bribe, or before engaging in any sinful act. Obviously we wouldn't do it because God doesn't condone sin or evil. May it become a part of our life, to run everything by God. May we daily check ourselves to see where we have gone off, and quickly backtrack. May we not be stubborn or proud not to consider God's input before we do anything. Above all, may no one point fingers at us and say "I thought this one was a child of God".

Let’s pray: Father, may I live daily in your will. May I not bring shame or disgrace to your name. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen