Who will bring any charge against God's elect (His chosen ones)? It is God who justifies us [declaring us blameless and putting us in a right relationship with Himself]. Romans 8:33 AMP

One human yearning is to be affirmed. We expect it as children from our parents. We yearn to be told we're special, gifted, beautiful, smart. When we grow up, we yearn to hear it from our spouses or friends, from others. Words that will satisfy or confirm something in us. As children of God, the only affirmation we need comes from God our Father. Thank God that his words surpass any human affirmations. What man can say about us or to us, to make us feel accepted can never equal that of God. No one can reduce our worth if God hasn't written us off. No man has the power to call us names or give us mocking names when that's not how God calls us. The devil cannot shame us with our past when God calls us washed and redeemed. Who will bring any charge against the elect and selected of God? God has specifically choosen us, affirming; agreeing; confirming; that we are special. God has justified us by the blood and sacrifice of Christ. Who can call us names? There is no condemnation against us. God said we are his own; he's put us in a right relationship with him. That should satisfy our yearning to belong to others. In God, we're complete.

Let's pray: satisfy us early O Lord with your presence and with your favour. May we feel your hand on us every day and every time and every where. Fill us to completion. We ask in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen