Then they spoke against God; they said "Can God prepare [food for] a table in the wilderness? Behold, He struck the rock so that waters gushed out and the streams overflowed; can He give bread also? Or will He provide meat for His people? Psalm 78:19-20 AMP

Honestly I don't know which is easier or more difficult to do. Wouldn't making water flow out of a rock in the middle of the desert; flowing like a river be more difficult or more of a feat than providing bread and meat? But that's not really the point is it? The point is, if God has done it before, then he can do it again. It's not the circumstances or the availability of resources or the unavailability of resources. It is the same God. And then again, if this God has done such a great thing as making rivers flow in the desert, then surely, he can provide bread and meat? Yesterday, we learnt that he is the God who does not change. As he was in the beginning so will he be until the end. We can be sure of his constancy. If God has done it once, let's believe he can do it again. Human as we are, we sometimes dare God and speak against God. It's as if we're trying God, we're testing his limits to see how far he can go; if he can really get us what we want. We think it and say things like "as for this one". Is there anything God cannot do? May we be very careful and circumspect in how we speak or dare God. In Exodus, where this incident is originally recorded, the Bible tells us that while they were still eating the meat, God struck them down in anger. May our words not condemn us before God. May our words not anger God. If God has said it, then he will do it. If God has done it before, believe he can do it again.

Let's pray: Have mercy on us Father. When the dirt in us begins to speak, please forgive us and remember we're human. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen