
To keep Satan from taking advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his schemes. 2 Corinthians 2:11 AMP

There's a footage of two antelopes in the bush busy fighting with each other. They're so engaged in their fight, they do not see the lion creeping in until it's too late. If they had been vigilant and not given in pettiness, they would have noticed the enemy creeping in. Why this story? Because we normally focus on the things that don't matter and we allow ourselves to fall prey to the devil's schemes. We fight amongst ourselves as Christians, as individuals, as family, instead of focusing on the things that matter. Instead of joining forces to destroy the enemy we take each other down. We take our eyes off the things that matter and zoom in on the irrelevant. In our personal lives, we allow the trivialities of life to trip us up instead of staying grounded on God. The wall of protection we've built all around us and our loved ones, crumbles when little things like anger, unforgiveness, malice, resentment and strife creeps in. These are some of the schemes of the devil to derail us. Our verse tells us not to allow the devil to take advantage of us; not to be ignorant of his schemes. And what are some of the devil's schemes? Discouragement, murmuring, lies, anger, a persistence to break down our faith and morals, hopelessness, and many more. May we be constantly on alert and on guard so the devil doesn't creep in unawares. May we quickly forgive so there's no foothold. May we not harbour resentment and thus open a window for the devil. May we be able to discern the truth from the lies. May we not fall victim to the schemes of the devil.

Let’s pray: Protect us Lord. May we not lose our crown to pettiness. May we not lose our focus. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen