Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right and steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10 AMP

What can we do when our love for God grows cold? When we know within ourselves that we have drifted far away from him? When we can tell that we're no longer on fire for God and for the things of God? We need to check the state of our hearts. What has taken up God's space? What is vying for our attention such that God is no longer in first place? What have we done? David cried to God for a new heart. Not just a new heart that beats for God but a spirit that is constant in its loving of God. He asked for three things: a clean heart, free from all incumbrances. He asked for renewal; renewal of his love vows to God. Then lastly, he asked for steadfastness and constancy; so he wouldn't slip or fall from any challenges or temptations. We can also check the status of our hearts and love towards God. Are we doing well today? The beauty of serving a good God is that he gives us more than enough opportunities to clean up ourselves and return to him. Today is a good opportunity to ask for a clean heart, a right spirit, a steadfast love that stands until the return of Christ.

Let's pray: Create in us a clean, steadfast spirit Abba Father. May we stand strong and be faithful to you. Keep us from slipping and falling God. We ask and pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen