She answered, "No one, Lord!" And Jesus said, "I do not condemn you either. Go. From now on sin no more". John 8:11 AMP

Have you messed up, big time, yet someway, somehow, the fallout you expected out of your mess, the punishment you deserved, didn't happen? You can't piece together how that could even be possible but it's true, you're free, no fall out, no punishment, no judgement. Your heart beat is now regularizing, you stop sweating like a fountain and you begin to rationalize: what happened? There's no way to explain it except for God's grace. We can try to explain Grace and her twin sister Mercy but until you've been where this woman was, you'll use words that have little impact on the experience. Grace, God's grace is unmerited favour. This woman knew she was a 'gonner'; no way could she ever be found innocent; and there was definitely no way she would survive a stoning. As she was standing there trying to wrap whatever was left of her cloth around her nakedness, she could see her life flashing out. Maybe she was praying "just one more chance, another opportunity and I will do what is right". God's grace covers our nakedness. God's grace gives us that one chance, that one opportunity we are looking for to make amends, to straighten out our lives and to walk righteously. When God's grace finds us, it removes the punishment we deserve.

Let's pray: Father, may your grace find me and cover all my mistakes. May your grace give me more than one chance to walk right with you. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen