Until the time that his word [of prophecy regarding his brothers] came true, the word of the Lord tested and refined him. Psalm 105:19 AMP

We know the story about Joseph and his two magnificent dreams. We know how it quickly turned from being the favourite to being in the dumps. We know his run-in with Madam Potiphar. Genesis 41:46 confirms that it took thirteen whole years for Joseph to stand in the place God had shown him. In case you missed it, read it again, thirteen long years of ups and downs, of ugly scenes and uncertainties. Until the fulfilment of his dream, God's word tested and refined him. How? Have you not been through a season where you've stood upon God's word and nothing has moved? Yet, that same word has comforted, upheld you and given you hope? Until the fulfilment of his dreams, Joseph stood on the word of God, hoping against hope that the God who can never lie would come through for him. Why does it take so long? Refinement. The scripture says "the word of God tested and refined him". Do you think at twenty years, Joseph would have been a good overseer? Are you ready for what God is bringing your way? Let's be patient while God works on us and prepares us to receive his expanded blessings.

Let's pray: Father, mould us so we can receive the greater glory coming our way. We ask and pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen