But whatever former things were gains to me [as I thought then], these things [once regarded as advancements in merit] I have come to consider as loss [absolutely worthless] for the sake of Christ [and for the purpose which He has given my life]. Philippians 3:7 AMP

Isn't it interesting that as we grow older our perspectives and personalities change. The things we used to hold in high value and esteemed them as necessary, in our younger lives, no longer has any appeal to us again. Our conversations change, our thinking changes as well. If we're very honest, when we see or hear some of the things we did in our younger life, we should be cringing. The good thing is that we've moved along from those things that we thought were good, but in fact they were not. We've left them behind to make room for things of value and even a more mature character. The reborn Christian life should be a mirror of this. The things we thought were valuable before we met Christ, should no longer hold value to us when Christ comes in. The things we used to do, which we thought was the "in thing" at that time: drink, drugs, lies, fornication, etc. etc. should no longer hold any appeal to us. Those things we were chasing and thought they were worthy, should pale in comparison to the totality of Christ. In the verse above, Paul is sharing his own experience with us. Since he met Christ, he's realized that all those things he was doing and proud of, were absolutely worthless. If Christ has really moved into our lives, we will know by the things that hold value for us. May we self assess to see what we're still holding on to so tightly yet, it adds no value to our lives or to our walk as Christians.

Let's pray: Search me O Lord and cleanse me. See if there's any evil sin in my life and cleanse me thoroughly. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen