
Who forgives all your sins, who heals all your diseases; who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you [lavishly] with lovingkindness and tender mercy. Psalm 103:3-4 AMP

As part of the training or modeling of a child's manners, when they receive a gift, the adult with them, will normally prompt the child to say thank you by asking: "What do you have to say"? To which the child will normally reply with a "thank you". As children of God, do we need prompting to say thank you? Then that's what this Psalm is doing. It's an ageless Psalm which teaches us to never forget to say thank you for all the many blessings and benefits we receive from God's bounty. To be honest, we shouldn't need prompting because on a daily basis, we see God's hand of goodness in our lives. Per chance, if we do forget, this is a good place to remember all he has done and to give him the thanks he deserves. God is good. God has been good to us. Our lives could have gone awry in so many ways, yet God's mercy has kept us. The Psalmist is telling us to give thanks for the redemption of our souls and the forgiveness of our sins. To thank God for the numerous healings we've enjoyed. For giving birth and not losing our lives in the process. For travelling in and out safely. For escaping the destruction of floods and fires. For getting married and starting  businesses in the midst of economic woes. For everything God in his mercy has delivered us from. Even when we were in the pit of depression and anxiety, he got us out. We've got to thank him. Think back and find something, even one thing that God has done and thank him lavishly.

Let's pray: Accept our thanksgiving and accept us Father. In the name of Jesus Christ we give thanks.