
But as for us, we will bless and affectionately and gratefully praise the Lord from this time forth and forever. Praise the Lord! (Hallelujah!) Psalm 115:18 AMP

What shall we say to our Lord and our God? What can we say? What can we give to God in return for his care and protection? Only thank you. Only a heart filled with gratitude and appreciation. We know it's nothing we did or said or even how we've lived. It's just by God's grace. Thirty whole days of his grace and mercy towards us. Thirty full days of God's awesomeness! Thirty days of November, of God carrying us safely each and every day. What shall we say? Thank you Abba Father. Thank you for being our pillar, our strength. Thank you our Jehovah Jireh, for all the provisions you have given to us. Thank you our Way Maker, for opening those closed doors to us. We might not be where we aspired to be; yet. We might not have all the goals we set for ourselves. We might not have all the things we dreamed of acquiring. But we're alive and well. That's more than enough reason to be grateful to the Giver of life. Had it not been the Lord who was on our side, where would we be? We erroneously assume we have to thank God only when he's done something dramatic and jaw droppingly big for us. Each day, it's a miracle to be alive. It's a miracle to have three square meals. It's a miracle to support a family in these times. Everything about us is a miracle from God's grace and provision. As we appreciate God for his goodness in and over our lives, may God be gracious to release more to us.

Let’s pray: Father, keep us from all evil today and always. Protect us Lord and bring us into the new month. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen