"There is a little boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish; but what are these for so many people?" John 6:9 AMP

Are you also wondering what you have in your hands, that could make any difference to your life or to your situation? Are you wondering what God could probably use to change your story? Often times, we look around and don't see anything of value that God could use. We look at our lives and can't identify even the tiniest thing that God could probably want to use. It's not so much about what we have to offer, but rather a willingness to surrender it to God. That little boy could have held on to his lunch. After all, children don't share their food that easily with anyone let alone with adults.  Secondly, the food he had, wasn't that 'posh'; barley wasn't the first option for bread, it was wheat. We can tell it wasn't such a rich picnic meal the boy had. Yet he was willing to place it in the hands of the Multiplier; he was willing to give it up. We might not know exactly what we have in our hands that God could use. We might not know the 'second class' things we're holding on to that God could touch and change. But are we willing to ask him to use whatever he finds? Are we willing to open our hands to Him, for God to see those things that only he can change and multiply. Those things that aren't growing in our hands but can grow if we hand them over? May our willingness bring us a change of story.

Let's pray: Father, search me. Anything you find that you can use and multiply, please do. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen