Be hospitable to one another without complaint. 1 Peter 4:9 AMP

What's on our menu this Christmas? Will we be serving love or complaints? Will it be a dish complaining about all the things we could have received but didn't, the injustices and unfairness of life, or it will be a dish thanking God for another occasion to enjoy life? What will it be? Do you know that sometimes we try doing good to others and after our so called good deed, we end up complaining about it? About them? Bitterly like someone held a gun to our head? Why do it then? If we're going to complain because we helped someone in need, why did we do it in the first place? What are we serving this Christmas? Christmas is all about God and his Christ. That is why we can choose to be hospitable to others with the little we have. It's the spirit of good cheer, the spirit of new hope, the belief that God has stepped in and indeed is with us. To spread the goodness we have received with others, to put a smile on another person's face. Would it be possible to remove all those ugly, untasteful and bitter ingredients from our menu this year? And serve love instead? Genuine love minus complaints.

Let's pray: Father, work on our hearts. Help us to move past bitterness and anger. Help us to forgive. Help us to be more like you. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen