But let all who take refuge and put their trust in You rejoice, let them ever sing for joy; because You cover and shelter them, let those who love Your name be joyful and exult in You. Psalm 5:11 AMP

After a long week of going through the grind trying to make a living, ups and downs, to and fro, looking for ways to support our homes and ourselves; being alive and strong, not part of the statistics of those who didn't make it; we have more than enough reason to thank God. We have a good reason to meet in God's sanctuary and to thank him. It's not so much about being alive, but that's also a very good reason, but it's more to honour, appreciate and acknowledge that it has been God in our week, it has been God in our lives, it has been God over us and it has been God for us. We return to the house of God with our sacrifices of praise. Each day, we thank God for his grace and favour in our own individual way. However, God in his word, is asking us not to forsake "the assembling of brethren". Why? Because there is strength and power in corporate worship, praise and prayer. When we come together in one accord to worship God, we release joy, faith and power in our combined strength. We fire each other up, we encourage one another and we release heavenly blessings and strength to take us through the rest of the coming days, weeks and months.

Let's pray: We acknowledge and thank you for all you do for us. Open up our fountains of joy and fill us with your Holy Spirit. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen