But all this has taken place so that the scriptures of the prophets would be fulfilled. Then all the disciples deserted Him and fled. Mathew 26:56 AMP

If you read the Bible carefully, you will realize that it is an active book. The words of promise and of prophecy, are not mere words; they have latent and active power to manifest in the way intended to. Even to date, events and visions, are actively taking place. There is no word of God that has been written or spoken that has died without manifestation. Imagine all those years ago, when prophecy was released about Christ including his suffering. It wasn't Isaiah alone and even Balaam the soothsayer, prophesied about Christ. Is it a coincidence that Jesus Christ died on the cross? Then he would have had to manipulate a lot of people and events to get them to align perfectly for him. But why manipulate events to your death? That's what makes us know for a fact that God's word will forever stand. In the same way Christ fulfilled scriptures, in that same way scriptures will be fulfilled in our lives. It was prophesied that through his death and resurrection, we would be liberated; we would be healthy and whole, we would be all round victorious and live triumphantly on a daily basis. These and many more are the truths of our reality, our foundation. If God said it, and it's been recorded, then we know that it will surely happen.

Let's pray: Father Lord, may your promises of a fruitful and abundant life be fulfilled in my lifetime. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen