I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation [from His wrath and punishment] to everyone who believes [in Christ as Saviour], to the New first and also to the Greek. Romans 1:16 AMP

Are you ashamed to show that you belong to God's family? Or, are you trying to hide your faith from others so you can be politically correct and accepted? Why? Christ is not an add on. Is it possible we're not sure what to say if someone questions our faith so it's easier to be silent? Why follow someone you claim to believe in but can't talk about them to anyone. Is it an illicit relationship? Are we having an illicit relationship with God? God has made it abundantly clear that he alone is the God of God's. We're not allowed to pray in certain circles and we're comfortable with it. Is it because within ourselves, we're tired of praying? We're in certain areas and people stop what they're doing so they can call on their god, and we're indifferent.  Is it because we're looking for an avenue to try other gods? Following Christ isn't a fashion statement or a new age tag. We're to be unapologetically Christian; sold out for God and His Christ. And if you are, you won't show up for Christ only in church or speak about him only at church. You will live the gospel, you will speak the gospel, you will show the gospel.

Let's pray: Father, strengthen us so we don't compromise on our faith, on our blessings and on ourselves. May we live proud unapologetic Christian lives. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen