
He again sets a definite day, [a new] "Today", [providing another opportunity to enter that rest by] saying through David after so long a time, just as has been said before [in the words already quoted], "TODAY IF YOU HEAR HIS VOICE, DO NOT HARDEN YOUR HEARTS". Hebrews 4:7 AMP

After reading this verse, I believe it would be a good place to pray a prayer of rededication, asking God into our lives. "Father, I reconnect myself to you today. As you have created me in your image, may I begin to display your image. Today I surrender totally to your will and your ways. Have mercy on me and take me back. Wash and cleanse me thoroughly and put your spirit back in me. Jesus have your way in my life. Come and dwell in me; make my body, soul and spirit your temple. In your name Jesus I pray. Amen". If you just prayed this prayer, you have taken the new opportunity presented to us today of entering into God's rest, his abundance and his grace. Our scripture tells us that today presents us with a new opportunity to make it right with God. Today, is a new day to invite Christ back into our lives. Today is just that day that we need to walk in our liberty and redemption as children of the Most High God. Tomorrow might be too late and may never come for some. So while we have this opportunity today, let's take it and bask in God's glory. May we not be like those who had the opportunity but refused it. The Bible tells us that when they repented and would have liked to have it back, it was too late for them. As we have prayed, rededicating our lives to God, may God keep us glued to his side forever and ever.

Let's pray: Father, I have returned to you today. Let today be the beginning of the best days of my life. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen