For it is the time [destined] for judgement to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not respect or believe or obey the gospel of God? 1 Peter 4:17 AMP

There are some scriptures in the Bible, we tend to skip quickly because we don't like the content and implications. Whether we like it or not, as long as it's there, it is something we need to pay attention to. It is written for our guidance and our learning, so we can make the necessary adjustments in our walk with God. We've come too far to be complacent or  to be caught unawares. That is what the verse for today is telling us. We know that one day, God will return as a Judge. But now we're being warned that it will begin from God's household; with us his children. O God why? So he can remove those who are pretending, those who have been sleeping while on duty, those who have totally compromised on their faith, those who are pretending and leading others astray, those who have totally failed to use their gifts and talents. The shaking will come whether we like it or not; but when it does come, may we be found standing at the end of it all. This is the time to self assess, to self evaluate and to make amends. It's not a time to call God wicked names and say he's heartless. If you were investing in a business and needed people onboard, you would diligently choose those who would be reliable, committed and trustworthy. If you would, why shouldn't God? May we not be found wanting.

Let’s pray: Father, glue me to your side. May your grace keep me in you until the coming of Christ. Amen