
But God clearly shows and proves His own love for us, by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8 AMP

It's very easy to do something for another person who likes you. It's so easy to get along with someone who gets on well with you. It's easy to help someone who has helped you before. You know the person and you know what they've done before for you, so it's quite easy to reciprocate the love and goodness. Imagine if you had to do something for someone who openly shows they dislike you or can't tolerate you. Even if you manage to do them some good, it wouldn't be as easy as it would be for someone you already like. What about if you were asked to stand surety for someone you didn't know too well. I know I wouldn't. But Jesus Christ did. When he was going to the cross he did it whether we loved him, would eventually love him, or not. God through his extravagant love, sacrificed Christ when as yet we didn't know him, didn't love him and were still sinners. He didn't wait for our conversion before giving Christ to the world. The things God does for love! How do we reciprocate such love? By being completely sold out for Christ.

Let's pray: Thank you for your steadfast love, your faithfulness and goodness to us. Where would we be without you God? May that same grace keep us until Christ's return. Amen