The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows]. John 10:10 AMP

If there's anything thieves are good at, it would be stealing and making sure that there's nothing left of anything after they're done. While the Owner is gathering, they are scattering and ensuring they turn a lifetime of investment into seconds of nothing. They ransack, pilfer and destroy. The Owner on the other hand, is a conscientious worker, seeking to make life comfortable, working hard to provide for his house and for himself, to enjoy life to the fullest. And that is what the thief doesn't like. Where there's joy, he wants to bring sorrow, where there's comfort, he wants to bring destruction and where there's peace he wants chaos. Who would want to open their doors to the thief? Those who don't know the voice and nature of the Owner. Those who are captivated by the flashy lifestyle of the thief and think it is genuine. If only they knew that he was parading stolen goods, stolen from children of the Owner, stolen by false pretenses, stolen through deceit. How can we protect ourselves so we don't fall victim to the thief? By being careful of those who masquerade as the Owne; who falsely claim to be the Owner. We should be able to differentiate between the person of the Owner and that of the thief. But how can we know, when the counterfeit is almost as good as the original? Almost but not the same. And when in doubt check the Manual. What does the Owners word say?

Let's pray: Father, we want the full and abundant life you promised. We want to overflow with your goodness and blessings. Give us a sensitive spirit to discern your truth from the lies. Keep us clean. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen