You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. Psalm 23:5a AMP

There's an African proverb which says 'don't lick the spoon while the food is being prepared for you'. It simply means don't settle for scraps when the banquet is being readied for you. Imagine being invited to a lavish banquet but before the main meal can be served, you're full on bread and nuts. There's nothing wrong with bread and nuts but what about the lobsters, oysters in sauce, and other indulgent dishes? How can we sample the rest when we're filled with the ordinary? When God sets the table, we can be sure it will be a lavish affair; a meal extraordinaire because everything God does is amazing. And if there's anything we've learned about God, it's that he always shows off in a big way, with a bang. How else will non believers know that he is God? In addition to preparing a lavish 7-course meal, he will set it up before those who thought we would die of hunger; those who think God has forgotten all about us; those who think God is finished with us. Don't rush or settle for scraps when the Master Chef is preparing the banquet just for you. Rice and stew takes less time to prepare. A 7-course meal takes time. Just get ready because that table is set and the meal will be served.

Let's pray: Give us the will to wait for you Father God. To wait for your perfect will and move in our lives. May we not rush and end up with scraps. Keep us waiting on you with the right attitude. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray