In any and every circumstance I have learned the secret [of facing life], whether well-fed or going hungry, whether having an abundance or being in need. Philippians 4:12b

The secret to facing life squarely in the face, mastering it and being successful according to Apostle Paul is having a spirit of contentment. We may disagree at this point but let's see how this could be true. Apostle Paul said he had to learn this fact of life, which means he probably wasn't a very content person to begin with. Because he was jealous of the joy and peace the early church had in Christ, that was why he began to persecute the early church. How could he find joy as a Pharasee? Their job was to put so much weight on people's shoulders they and their followers were always bitter. When you are content with what you have, you live humbly according to your means. When you are content with what you have, you don't compare yourself to others. When we don't compare what someone has, how they seem to be enjoying life, how everything seems to be going on well with them; against what we don't have but would like to have, we have peace. I mean true peace because there's no envy, jealousy or greed. Others can parade about with all the latest stuff, but we're just fine with what we have, and don't feel desperately pushed to be equal. Just as Paul learned this and became successful at it, we can also learn it. We can learn to be content with everything that we have. It doesn't matter if it's little, more, in fashion or not. As long as it's ours and it brings joy to us, let's learn to be at peace with it. May we learn to cut out envy and comparing ourselves to others. We are enough for ourselves.

Let's pray: Father, give me the spirit of contentment. Whatever I have, let me be content with it. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen