Now, O Lord our God, please save us from his hand so that all the kingdoms of the earth may know [without any doubt] that You alone, O Lord, are God. 2 Kings 19:19 AMP

There are many corporate and individual prayers scattered throughout the Bible, but one of my favourites, is the one prayed by King Hezekiah. He was facing an enemy who was stronger than his army, an enemy with a trail of victories, and an enemy that could boast. Dire circumstances may loom larger life; we may know of others who failed or didn't make it in similar challenges; the enemy's gloating and mockery may be all that we hear day after day; our faith may be at an all time low; But God. Like Hezekiah prayed, the enemy or challenge is not greater than God. God will showcase his power so our mockers may know that he alone is God. That issue may not have ended well for another person but our case is different; My case is different before God. He will step in to save us so his name will be magnified; for all glory to be returned to Him alone. Our God will do for us what no man can ever do.

Let's pray: Father, save us from the hands of our enemies and mockers. Let your light and glory rest upon us today and forever. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen