But you will receive power and ability when the Holy Spirit comes upon you; and you will be My witnesses [to tell people about Me] both in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and Samaria, and even to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8 AMP

You know what a Postman does don't you? He delivers letters. Imagine if a Postman had letters for you, walked past you, but didn't actually give the letters out, that would be strange wouldn't it? Or, you could see him driving through the neighbourhood without any delivery taking place. I mean, no one gets a single letter, not you, not your neighbour, absolutely no one. That would be weird. I'm sure, someone would eventually lodge a complaint but what if the whole Post office staff were doing the same thing? Keeping the letters meant for others? Do you know, God has entrusted us with the gospel to deliver to others? Like the Postman, we Christian's carry the word of salvation for others. Imagine carrying the salvation message all day and night without making a single delivery? We're all walking around us Christian's without delivering the message entrusted to us. We have so many excuses in not sharing the gospel, yet we've been empowered and equipped to do so. We drive and live in our neighbourhoods without once sharing the good news of God. Our neighbours see us going to church all year round. They must be wondering "when will she deliver the letter?". "When will he tell me about his God?" When will you?

Let's pray: Have mercy on us O Lord. For keeping your word and not witnessing to others as you instructed. Help us to deliver your word to those close to us and even those further away. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen