
But as for us, we will bless and affectionately and gratefully praise the Lord from this time forth and forever. Praise the Lord! (Hallelujah). Psalm 115:18 AMP

Even if we haven't seen it with our own two eyes, we've heard stories about people who worship idols. We've heard stories of how they believe these idols have the power to save. We've heard how they cut trees or use stones, and make images from things that were created by Jehovah God; and worship them. That's their choice. On the other hand, we have made the choice to believe in the Ancient of Days, The Maker and Creator of the world; the God who speaks and it is done. The God of war, who has never lost a war. The God who roars and mountains quake and melt. The God who shuts and none can open, and when he opens none can shut. The God, who despite all of his power and might, tenderly loves his children like no parent or any man ever could. For those of us who have made this God our God, who have made the choice to follow Yahweh, we will bless him as long as we have breath. But as for us, this is the only God we know. We will stick with him even as God himself sticks to us; we have nowhere else to turn except to God. If this is your choice too, then shout *Hallelujah*! May God be praised. May our days be blessed because we're with God. May all we do prosper since our God has the keys to all doors. May our days be long even as God has promised. May we reap the blessings Jehovah has reserved for those who love him. May our days of praising never cease.

Let's pray Thank you Father for your graciousness towards us. Thank you for your true love for us. Thank you for choosing us as your own. Hallelujah to your Holy name. Amen