But God, being [so very] rich in mercy, because of His great and wonderful love with which He loved us. Ephesians 2:5 AMP

Who remembers this great Methodist Hymn: Amazing Love? One of the lines says: "amazing love, how can it be? That thou my God should die for me? In which religion or faith have we heard about the deity, who is being worshipped, sacrificing himself for the sinner? None. On the other hand, they're asking for so many sacrifices and offerings it's actually killing their followers. I can't help but wonder how they're doing in this economic crunch? "But God, who is so rich in mercy and because of his wonderful love with which he loved us", sacrificed Christ for us. He did it for you, for me; because of his great mercy. Love plus mercy equals salvation. That's God's mathematics and we're glad it adds up in our favour. God's mercy still covers our varied and myriad mistakes, God's mercy still speaks for us that is why we're still around and not consumed. God's mercy still defends us against the devil's accusations and lies. God's mercy is our bulwark; without his mercy where would we be? May we not take God's mercy for granted and deliberately do those things we know are not pleasing to God. That would be abusing God's love, his mercy and grace over us.

Let's pray: we are grateful Lord God for your unfathomable mercy, grace and love for us. May we always be mindful in our lives not to abuse or take you for granted. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen