Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; And you who have no money come, buy grain and eat. Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost [simply accept it as a gift from God]. Isaiah 55:1 AMP

I'm yet to see or hear of anyone who didn't like free gifts. A gift ideally on itself, as its name suggests, should be free. I mean who pays for a gift? But times and people have taught us that not all gifts are truly free. There's always a manipulative string attached to it. There is one gift however, that comes free. In fact, it is so free that invitations are given out to everyone, anyone. The invitations are so compelling, it's difficult to imagine that people still refuse it. It is God's gift of grace. God's grace is free to us because the payment has been made. It came with a hefty price tag, but God paid it in full, so we could freely enjoy all that his gift offers. His grace can fill any void in our lives. God's grace can quench the thirst that alcoholism and depravity cannot quench. God's grace can fill and satisfy us better than the things we chase with money yet have no satisfaction. Grace from God is all sufficient and it is offered to us as a free gift. This is the gift without strings, only benefits. God himself is inviting you and I, come He says. Come to my table and eat your fill. Come to my table just us you are for my grace is sufficient for all things. Will you accept His invite?

Let's pray: We choose to accept your invitation Lord God Almighty. Let your grace satisfy us. Let your grace fill us. May your grace be sufficient for us.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen