
"Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the east and have come to worship Him". Mathew 2:2 AMP

Tell me the honest truth, if you had been born with title, if you had been born in the palace, if you had been born with a bit of fame, attached to your name, would people have to seek you out? Would it take others a while before they caught on that you were titled? I'm not so sure. Myself included, we would have preached it loud and strong to every creature in the universe. We would never get tired of pointing it out to others the high social standing we have. We would brag: "I'm from the royal family, I belong to such and such dynasty, I have so many properties and assets, I am this and that". Everyone would get the picture. Yet, the only true King, the King of Kings, the One who's crown no one can take or replace, the everlasting King; walked through earth humbly without calling attention to himself. He was born humbly without fuss. During his ministry, even after performing amazing miracles, he would tell them: "see that you tell no one about it". Blows your mind doesn't it? The Wise men from the East came searching for him. The citizens in the town didn't know about it. The local king didn't know the true King had been born. May we learn to live humbly with others and ourselves; may we learn circumspection and humility, may we learn from Christ to live in humility with everyone.
Let's pray: Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, help me to live humbly before you and my fellow men. Amen