
In the beginning God (Elohim) created [by forming from nothing] the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1 AMP

Do you know what day it is? What month? What year? Yes we made it by God's good grace. Hallelujah. Today, we're standing in a brand new year, a brand new day and a brand new week. God has been gracious to us and for that we're thankful. Even as God made something out of nothing, so will he make something out of this New Year for us, when we entrust it into his capable hands. We may not have any idea how this year will unfold, but God does. He's the only God who knows the end from the beginning. And, he's not only the beginner of things but he's also the one who ends it. When we commit our beginning to him, he will ensure that we end it well too. He's the God who called things into being out of nothing. He can and will call things we've not seen before into this New Year for us; great and mighty things if we will let him. In this New Year, God can create new platforms and higher levels we've never gotten to before. In this New Year, God has given us a clean slate to co-create all that we can wish for. Isn't it exciting? The possibilities are endless through God's amazing power. For us his children, we know this is just the beginning of greater works and we believe it will only get better with God on our side. May we walk in God's fullness this year. May we experience his truth. May we experience new beginnings in every area of our lives.

Let’s pray: Father, fill our year with your goodness. May our beginning and ending be the best yet. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen