In all their distress He was distressed, and the angel of His presence saved them, in His love and in His compassion He redeemed them; and He lifted them up and carried them all the days of old. Isaiah 63:9 AMP

There are certain verses in the Bible that jump at you , and makes you take a second look just to be sure you read right. This is one of them. It draws our attention to the fact that God has emotions, he experiences what we go through and he understands our pain. This should tell us that God is not an aloof God like folks describe him. He's not an unaffectionate cold God who doesn't care; who can't feel, who just sits in heaven uncaring what we go through. In fact, in the same book of Isaiah, God says when we go through the fire, he will be with us. When the floods come, he's still with us. In all circumstances and situations, God is with us. He will never abandon us. This makes me believe that if the situation is not good for God, he will quickly come out and carry me along. Did you get it? That's why our verse above says "with compassion he redeemed them, he lifted them up and carried them all the days of old". He God, had had enough of the distressing situation. So in coming out he brought the Israelites also out. He carried them out, he didn't make them walk out on their own strength. There are a number of lessons here. God will never leave us alone. God understands every thing we endure and will never cause us to suffer all alone. He will always get us out of all distressing situations we fall into. Whichever stormy situation we're enduring now is just for a short period. God will end it sooner and carry us out. And finally, God cares and loves us, a lot.

Let’s pray: Thank you Father, for the salvation of my soul. Thank you for your love and compassion. Support my weaknesses Lord. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen