And in the same way He took the cup after they had eaten, saying, "This cup, which is poured out for you, is the new covenant [ratified] in My blood". Luke 22:20 AMP

A blood covenant is the strongest of all covenants. We learn in Leviticus that 'the life of a thing' is in the blood; this is the power behind any blood covenant. It is sealed by the blood and cannot be easily broken. It's for life. This is what God wants us to understand. His covenant with us is for life. He gave a life to take our lives back to himself. Christ was cut and his blood spilled to seal the covenant between us. In other words, he shed his blood so we would be bound together for life. In our scripture above, we learn that "he ratified" the old covenant made with animal blood with his own blood; the highest type of any blood available. He did this so we could enter into a relationship with him. It's only love that will make him do this; a covenant of love for life. Haven't we heard stories of lovebirds entering into blood covenants, vowing never to leave each other? Unlike those earthly blood covenants, that end up being detrimental to both parties, our blood covenant with Christ brings life and light. He empties himself into us, literally. He gives us his love, his name and his power. He takes our weaknesses and gives us his strength. May we not break any part of our covenant with God. May we strive to stay in our covenant with God and his Christ.

Let’s pray: Bind me to yourself with your cords of Love, Father. And may I stay true to you. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen