And they were glorifying God [as the Author and Source of what had taken place and all that had been accomplished] in me. Galatians 1:24 AMP

An author is someone who writes; someone responsible for beginning something. From the root word we get authority. And we know authority is another word for power, the ability to influence or give orders, lead and make decisions.  God has been referenced in the Bible as "the author and finisher of our faith". In other words, he is the one who has written out our salvation plan, the One who begins our lives plans, and leads or directs our paths until the end. He is the author and source of our life. That's why Jeremiah 29:11 tells us he knows the plans for our lives, he knows exactly what he's written for and about each and everyone of us, and His plans are good. The Apostle Paul speaking in this verse, is also reiterating that indeed God is our beginner and our source. He is the Jireh we need for every lack. Not only has he planned and written our beginning or the plan for our lives, but he will also provide. Do you want to know why? So others may see and glorify God for all his accomplishments in our lives. It's not for us to boast about where we've gotten to or what we've achieved, but instead, it's for others to see and know who the Author, Finisher and Source of our lives is. It's all about God

Let's pray: Thank you Father for your presence in our lives. Thank you for daily provision and protection. Thank you that in you we have no lack. Thank you God. Amen