Declaring the end and the result from the beginning, and from ancient times the things which have not [yet] been done, saying, My purpose will be established, and I will do all that pleases Me and fulfils My purpose'. Isaiah 46:10 AMP

There is nothing like coincidence in God's books. In fact, there is nothing that takes God by surprise. Nothing happens that leaves him perplexed or scratching his head wondering 'what happened'?. That's because he is the All-knowing God. There's nothing we do or say that shocks him, because in his infinite wisdom, he already knows what we're going to do. Why doesn't he stop us then, you might think? He's given us free will and a thinking mind to choose the right from the wrong: to walk in his ways or not. He doesn't force us to choose him. One very well quoted scripture which buttresses God's all-knowing wisdom is Jeremiah 29:11:"For I know the plans I have for you". He knows our end and it's glorious because he said so. No one is an accident on earth. In God's love and infinite mercy, he's planned a beautiful purpose for each one of us. Everything we go through is part of his master plan to strengthen our character, to build up a strong moral fibre; and through what we learn we also can strengthen others. In addition to that he's built-in relief measures if only we would trust him enough. He has promised that none of us who follow him, will follow him for nothing. He also said we will never be disgraced or put to shame. If he knows that already then we trust that it's true. He will do exactly what he has said he will do for us.

Let's pray: My life is in your hands Jehovah. Make me into something beautiful for your glory. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen