
The Lord is my strength [my source of courage, my invincible army]; He has made my feet [steady and sure] like hinds feet and makes me walk [forward with spiritual confidence] on my high places [of challenge and responsibility]. Habakkuk 3:19a AMP

This year has been touted to be different; to be the beginning of better times. There are so many promises already affixed to the year. But we all know it's not about the titles. To realize the best of this year will also entail hard work to achieve our dreams. We've prayed for wisdom and understanding, and we've also prayed for vision and opportunities. Our faith and our works should be aligned in turning this year to be the best. We need a healthy dose of self discipline and sacrifice to align our confessions with our possessions. The good news is that we have a Source of strength and fortitude should our own strength fail us; a reliable source of courage and confidence to carry us through. When those moments come, when we don't seem to know how to move one foot in front of the other, we have an army that can and will march us forward. All we need to do, is to place our small hands in the big hands of a mighty God. The God who knows the face of any mountain because he's the Rock. The God who has no boundaries because he's Spirit. The God who knows all the right moves and right ways. This year will be exactly what we want it to be if we walk hand in hand with our power house.

Let’s pray: March me forward Lord of Hosts. Strengthen me to climb every mountain of success before me. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen