
He (Christ) was in the world, and though the world was made through Him, the world did not recognize Him. John 1:10 AMP

Did you know it's possible to be physically close to something or someone, and yet be very far away? Let's use this example: being physically present in church, but our minds are at home or at work, thinking about the next meal or planning the week ahead. So close, yet so far away. Before Christ was born, the Prophets foretold that God would be in our midst living with us. He would be so close, we wouldn't have any excuse. His name would be an indication; Immanuel God with us. In other scriptures, God said he would dwell with us, and make us his sons and daughters. And in fulfillment of all these, Christ was born as a human being; dwelling not in space or in heaven but right here with us on earth. The wise men told the story, the shepherds spread The Word, the gospels resonate with his truth; the Messiah has come and anyone who believes in his name, will have Christ dwelling in them. Sadly, very few recognize this. He has come so close yet he is so far away. The Messiah, the owner possessor, the Saviour is here, walking with us and showing by his marvellous works that he is the one. Yet, we're so far away; in thoughts, in actions, in deeds and in faith. May we see Christ for who he truly is. May we receive him as the Son of God. May we learn to spend quality time in his presence. May we stick closer to him.

Let’s pray: open my eyes to see the things that matter and to drop those that not beneficial. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.