And all bare him witness, and wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth. And they said, Is not this Joseph's son? Luke 4:22 KJV

Many times, we shoot our own miracles down due to the state of our minds. Many times, the word of God is rendered null and void by our skeptical attitude. Our skepticism kills the miracles waiting for us. hearts. Have you not ever wondered how someone gets immediate answers using the same prayer point but you don't? Or, how someone in the same church seems to be getting regular testimonies but you aren't? Check the state of your heart and mind. The people of Nazareth were wondering, in shock almost, when they heard Jesus preaching. They said aloud "isn't this Joseph's son?" When did he become so knowledgeable in the word of God? Maybe they even said "is this the person we've been hearing doing all those mighty works? Joseph's son?". The Bible records that due to their skepticism, Jesus could do no mighty works in their midst. Are we missing our blessings because we're die hard skeptics? It's good to be cautious and the Bible asks us to test every spirit, to be sure it is the Holy Spirit. But we also need to check ourselves: is it cautiousness or skepticism? With cautiousness we can still receive; with skepticism nothing will enter.

Let's pray: Father, we ask for a discerning spirit. May we not follow blindly into trouble and may we also not close our hearts to your wonders. Help us. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen