The waters became mighty and increased greatly on the earth, and the ark floated on the surface of the waters. Genesis 7:18 AMP

Water or rainfall is good. It brings life and greenery to parched lands. However, it also has the ability to destroy everything in its wake. In the case of the Ark, there was a difference. The more the waters fell, the higher the ark rose. The verse above tells us that the ark floated on the surface of the waters. The very thing meant to destroy all life was making the ark float, making it rise above the turbulence beneath it. There's a message here for us. The next time everything seems to be crushing down on you, don't go down with it; not with your confessions and not with your attitude: rise above it. But how was the ark rising when everyone and everything was being destroyed? Because God was there with them. Because God was watching over them. Because God had promised to protect them. Have you received such a promise from God? Of course you have. It is written for you and I as a reference in the Bible. Everything Christ did on the cross and after is for you and I, to reap the full benefits. If he says he has overcome the world, then he has. If he says the waters will not swallow us, then surely no matter how hard the waters come down, we will rise above them. Christ provides the safety of the ark. While we cannot guarantee its comfort when we move through the storm, we know it is safe. The Ark is our safety zone, Christ is our covering and safety zone.

Let's pray: Jesus Christ, stay in the ark with me. Help me rise above the turbulence and bring me safely to land. Amen