Do not fear [anything], for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, be assured I will help you; I will certainly take hold of you with My righteous right hand [a hand of justice, of power, of victory, of salvation]. Isaiah 41:10 AMP

Any time we read the Bible and God seems to be emphasizing his presence, power and strength, or something he has done, we can be sure he's very serious about what he's saying. God is being emphatic on something he doesn't want us to ever forget. It's not a trivial matter to him at all, and he's not bragging. It's a key note. Who is the I AM? He is the God who is everything to us. When God says I AM with you do not be afraid, he means exactly that. If you had constant body guards, what would you be afraid of? Nothing, because you're assured they will protect. If we have such confidence in human beings, why do we think God can't do more? God says I AM your God, which other god are you afraid of? He goes on to say "be assured I will help you". Tell me what you don't understand in this sentence? The I AM WHO I AM, the God who cannot lie, is by himself speaking and promising and assuring us of his presence and his help. What more could we wish for?  But the God who gives more than we ask hasn't finished. He promises to raise us up into victory, success, power and salvation. We are never alone. We will never walk this life alone because our God is with us. Not just walking helplessly beside us but with power and victory. Say it to yourself until you're convinced. I am never alone, God walks beside me.

Let's pray: Thank you Father. Thank you for your presence and your power. Thank you for never letting me go alone. Hold my hand and never let go. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen