For kings and all who are in [positions of] high authority, so that we may live a peaceful and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. 1 Timothy 2:2 AM

Do you know that it's very possible to live peacefully with everyone and to enjoy the blessings of the land? The secret is prayer. This is no word of lie. Sometimes, we pray for good jobs but forget to pray for good supervisors. We get the good jobs, yet it looks like we're working with Satan's relatives, making our lives a living hell. That's because we didn't pray and don't pray for those supervising us or for those we're working with. When Apostle Paul asks us to pray for Kings and those in authority over us, he wasn't only speaking about our Presidents and those in political power. That's also important; that we pray for those in power ruling our nations so they don't sell us into slavery. It's not about the person or the ruling party, it's about you and I enjoying the blessings of the land God put us in. It could be our own nations or the nations we've migrated to. When we pray for the peace and prosperity of the land, as well as for those in authority, we benefit by being in peace to enjoy the rewards of our labours.  Besides political authority and authority in our work places, we also need to pray for the heads of our households; the husbands. They are in authority over the house. Then we also need to pray for ourselves, for God to grant us grace and peace to overlook all the offenses of these people and to pray for them with a clean heart. The key to enjoying our lives, our jobs, marriages and our nations, is by praying.

Let's pray: Father, as we pray for others, may our intercessions have an impact on our own lives. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.