But I have this [charge] against you, that you have left your first love [you have lost the depth of love that you first had for Me]. Revelation 2:4 AMP

Yesterday's Valentine's Day celebration may not have gone the same for everyone. Some may have been fêted in public and others in private. Some would have received gifts, love declarations, renewed vows, etc. No matter how it went or didn't go, at least each of us received a happy Valentine's Day wish. At least we received one of those many recycled heart pictures and Gifs. Irrespective of how we celebrated it, there was an attempt to spread love, to rekindle a spark, to inject fresh romance into relationships. I wonder when the last time was that we told God we loved him? He's always telling us and showing us how much he loves us. But when was the last time we loved on him? Set aside a special day just to abandon ourselves on him? Just to worship and honour him as the only God in our lives? Our text tells us to rekindle our first love. To get back to the time when God was our all in all. The times when we could spend hours in prayer, praise and worship. We've lost our depth of love. Our quiet times have gradually reduced until we don't spend quality time in God's presence anymore. There's always something vying for our attention when we're about to pray or study the Bible. Until we're intentional, we'll spend the days and nights chasing stuff that don't matter, leaving God on the fringes of our lives. May we be intentional about rekindling our love for God. May we set aside time just to love this God of ours.

Let’s pray: Father, give me a new heart. A heart that beats just for you. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen