Jesus answered, "Be careful that no one misleads you [deceiving you and leading you into error]. Mathew 24:4 AMP

How many of us remember this Sunday school song? *Read your Bible pray everyday if you want to grow*. There were actions together with the song, to show our growth. The truth of the matter is that, if we want to grow in the Lord, in grace and with favour just like Jesus did, then we have to study the word and pray through what we're learning. There are no shortcuts in our walk with Jesus Christ. There are no shortcuts in having a relationship with the Holy Spirit. There are no shortcuts in serving God. Jesus speaking to his disciples and to us, in the scripture above, is telling us to be careful. To be careful from the lies and deception of men. The only way we can be misled and deceived into believing anything is when we don't know the truth ourselves. What does God's word say? What does the context refer to? In Hosea 4:6, we're told that we're destroyed for a lack of knowledge. The manual for life is meant to be used for life. If we don't read to know what it says, then we will be candidates for all forms of deception. May we not be led astray. May we not follow the cunning lies of men and lose our rights and place in God's kingdom. May we read and study our Bibles to know God's word. May we study to be approved of God. And through that may we grow in wisdom and stature.

Let's pray: Father, please give me a teachable spirit. One that will listen and learn from you. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen