Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right and steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10 AMP

Can God not make something new out of the old? Can God not create and carve out a new beginning no matter how old or far gone it is? He is the God who defies the odds and brings purpose and meaning to everything and anyone. This is a year of opportunities and purpose for anyone who wants a new beginning, a new direction, a change from the "same old same old". But we have to desire it. We have to want our lives and circumstances to change. We have to desire a remaking, a remodelling, a redoing of our lives. The Psalmist cried asking God to recreate and clean him up - spiritually, physically and mentally. To give him a spirit of faith that would not be wavering: today up, tomorrow down. A steadfast spirit that would not backslide or faint in the face of adversity. We can do the same. We can ask God to remake, to remodel and to recreate a steadfast spirit in us. We can ask God for a new beginning. A beginning of faith, trust and sincerity in our relationship with him. We can ask for another opportunity to be reinstated in God's providence.

Let's pray: Father, create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me. Don't take me away from your presence. Preserve my life. In the name of Jesus Christ I ask and pray. Amen