But at midnight there was a shout 'Look! The bridegroom [is coming]! Go out to meet him. Mathew 25:6 AMP

If there is a bridegroom then there is also a bride, since the groom can't marry himself. I wonder if she was also sleeping while the groom tarried? Whether she did or not, at the announcement that the groom was coming, I'm sure she would begin to freshen up, preparing herself to receive her groom; her dress, makeup, perfume, etc. The Bible tells us the Church is Christ's bride and that we are the church. You and I, we form the church.  How prepared are we to receive our groom? The shout went out at midnight in the story. Meaning he can be announced when we least expect it, while we all relax. The difference is our preparation. As we wait, we need to prepare ourselves as the expectant bride waiting for her husband to come. Surely, the bride wouldn't want to be seen in a crumpled or stained dress. Imagine greeting your groom with bad breath! Or, since he was delayed, she's having a change of heart and acting like Mrs Potiphar. Wouldn't that be shameful? As we wait for the groom to be announced, let us prepare ourselves. Let us ensure the bride is ready to receive the groom. Let every weakness, filth, unpreparedness be removed far from us. May we conduct ourselves as fresh brides waiting for our holy groom. And above all, may we keep the oil burning in our lamps.

Let's pray: Father, give me fresh oil while I wait for the groom to be announced. May we be always ready to receive our groom. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen