Indeed, I have inscribed [a picture of] you on the palms of My hands; your city walls are continually before Me. Isaiah 49:16 AMP

At each stage in our lives, we make new friends and new acquaintances. We move away and distance or circumstances change the relationships, especially when new ones come in. Yet, no matter how far we go or live, God never forgets us. Our scripture tells us that he has inscribed a picture of us in the palms of his hands. Do you remember those days when we used to write stuff in our hands so we wouldn't forget? And if you wanted to check your to-do list, all you had to do was look in your own hands? Depending on the pen you used, the ink would have faded so what was written was indecipherable. Picture God with your name and picture. Each time you call on him, not only your name but your picture comes up. How can he ever forget you? And guess what, he didn't even use ink; he drilled it so it cannot be erased or removed. Nothing can erase it and nothing will make him forget. They're permanently etched into his hands. That's how precious we are to God. He will never forget us. He's got our calling card right in his hands. All he has to do is open his hands and we're right there. 

Let's pray: May we not spurn your love Father. Thank you for not forgetting us. May we learn to love you too in our own small way. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen