Praise Him for His mighty acts; Praise Him according to [the abundance of] His greatness. Psalm 150:2 AMP

Do you know what day it is today? Yes it's a new month, a new beginning. Another opportunity to move forward, to progress, to claim God's promises for our lives. And most importantly, to thank God for ushering us into a new month safely. Has God not been good to us? To you in particular? He has delivered us from the traps and snares of our antagonists. He has clothed and fed us. If we calculate the money we've spent so far, it exceeds our earnings. God has been amazing to us. Let us praise him for his mighty and miraculous acts in our lives, our homes and in the lives of our loved ones. If we were to give God thanks for his daily provision, supplies, miracles and just because he is, everyone else would be wanting in on the good thing we've found and have. Unfortunately, we don't thank God enough. We don't acknowledge him as the God of All. In the good and the bad, may we find the inner will to thank and praise God. The more we thank him, the more he releases to us. May this month, be our month of extravagant praise.

Let's pray: Father, accept our gratitude. Accept our praises. We thank you for you. We thank you for life. We thank you for watching over us. Thank you Lord. In the name of Jesus Christ we have given thanks. Amen